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Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the formation of the interstate program "Innovative Development of Livestock Production in the EAEU Member States"


To develop the Initiative Proposal of the Eurasian Interstate Program "Innovative Development of Livestock Production in the EAEU Member States", the concept of which was previously approved by the Ministries of Agriculture of all EAEU countries,a scientific and practical conference was held in Verona, Italy on the basis of the Eurasian Agricultural Technology Platform.

Substantive reports on the main areas of work performed were made by:

Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleinik, Professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics and Animal Breeding, Doctor of agricultural sciences (Stavropol State Agrarian University) with grant research results on the topic “Development and implementation of an innovative methodology for the application of aerospace digital technologies for the accelerated development of grazing in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union”; 

Fokin A.I., Director of LLC “AGROMAKS”, Naberezhnye Chelny, - production of innovative machinery and equipment for livestock buildings, including dairy cattle;

Kuznetsov K.S, Director of LLC “Innovative Solutions”, Izhevsk, - creation of automated systems in the field of agriculture;

Guseva N.K., General Director of the Scientific and Technical Center "ROKAD", St. Petersburg - design and creation of non-standard equipment and industrial equipment, robotics;

Arsenyeva O.L., Commercial Director of LLC “BIOFORT” - production of organic fertilizers and soils based on innovative technology of peat processing;

Kalinin A.B., Professor of the Department of Technical Systems in Agribusiness, Doctor of Technical Sciences, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University;

Kozyrev S.V., Project Manager for High Performance Computing and Modeling, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences - the use of existing and the development of new methods for modeling nano- and biosystems, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 

Coordinator-Secretary of the Eurasian Agricultural Technology Platform, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Nam I.Ya., the organizer of the conference, informed the participants about the prospects of preparing cooperative Eurasian projects aimed at the use of biotechnology in breeding animals, the transition of the agro-industrial complex to advanced digital, intelligent production technologies, robotic systems, precision farming, “Smart Farm” technologies, and modern approaches to solving problems of veterinary medicine.

In the process of conducting consultative work, a working meeting was held in conjunction with the ABACO Group (Milan), as well as a visit to the 114th FIERAGRICOLA-2020 International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery and Livestock (Verona).

Following the conference, the main list of innovative developments was formed for the transition of the livestock sector of the agro-industrial complex of the EAEU countries to advanced digital, intelligent manufacturing technologies, robotic systems. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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