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A database of articles from the archive of the newspaper “For Agricultural Personnel” has been created


On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the staff of the Scientific Library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University created a database of articles from the archive of the newspaper “For Agricultural Personnel”. These are articles about veterans of our university, memoirs of participants in the war, stories about events held at faculties, poems written by our veterans.

The database contains sections of articles on topics:

· Stavropol State Agrarian University during the Great Patriotic War;

· University employees - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Agronomy Faculty - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Veterinary Faculty - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Faculty of Plant Protection - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Faculty of Electrification of Agriculture - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Faculty of Economics - participants of the Great Patriotic War;

· Professors of the Department of History, Political Economy, Philosophy - participants of the Great Patriotic War. 

An exhibition of the archive of the newspaper “For Agricultural Personnel” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory has been prepared at the Media Center of the Scientific Library (room 86).


We invite students, professors, university employees to read clippings about veterans on the website of the Scientific Library, visit the exhibition and touch the history of our university, learn more about the university veterans, those who gave us life! 

Дата новости для фото:  06.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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