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The most powerful professor staff is at the Faculty of Economics


A national bench press competition was held as part of the 20th Olympics among the employees of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the team competition, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place – the Faculty of Economics;

2nd place – the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

3rd place – the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management;

4th place – the Faculty of Power Engineering;

5th place – the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education.

In the individual competition, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place – Evgeny Valerievich Rusanovsky (the Faculty of Economics) with 66 repetitions and a total bar weight of 41 kg.

2nd place – Mikhail Vladimirovich Danilov (the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization) with a result of 53 repetitions and a total bar weight of 32.5 kg.

3rd place – Anton Alexandrovich Popov (the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education) with a result of 45 repetitions and a total bar weight of 36.5 kg. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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