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The participation of the head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre in the Federal Educational and Methodological Association


The meeting was addressed by the chairman of the FUMO on UGSNP 21.00.00 “Applied Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas and Geodesy”, Vice-Rector of the Mining Institute NUST “MISiS”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vadim Leonidovich Petrov and Chairman of the UMS in the direction “Land Management and Cadastres”, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Evgeny Mikhailovich Chepurin.

The meeting was attended by the head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, associate professor Alexander Viktorovich Loshakov.

The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

1. The current state of higher education for land management and the tasks of the FUMO according to the UGSNP 21.00.00 “Applied Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas and Geodesy” and the UMS in the direction “Land Management and Cadastres” in the training of higher education personnel.

2. Implementation of network training programs in the training of personnel on the UGSNP 21.00.00 “Applied geology, mining, oil and gas and geodesy”.

3. Scientific and methodological foundations of the organization of the educational process in the direction of preparation "Land management and cadastres.". 

Дата новости для фото:  10.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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