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The results of the International competition of coursework / projects for students "INTERCLOVER - 2019/2020"


The competition is organized by the Professional Science NGO, Nizhny Novgorod. Students from the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the competition.

In the nomination “Term paper / project” the prize places won the work of 3-year students of the Accounting and Finance Department:

Julia Krikun, theme of the work: “Accounting for finished crop products (on the example of CJSC Dobrozhelanny” of the Budenovsky district) ”- diploma of 2 degrees;

Valeria Deshevykh, the theme of the work is “Accounting of operations on settlement accounts in a bank (using the example of Optimed LLC in the city of Stavropol)” - diploma of 3 degrees;

Ekaterina Shurshikova, the theme of the book “Accounting for Profit and Loss (on the example of“ Stable Management Company-6 ”in Stavropol)” - diploma of 3 degrees.

The work was carried out under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting Financial Accounting Natalia Valentinovna Kulish.  

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  9

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