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Lecturer at SSAU in the forum of designers and architects in the North Caucasus "URBAN DESIGN 2020"


The forum of designers and architects in the North Caucasus was held as part of the large Urban Development Forum, in the IEC "MinvodyEXPO". The forum was moderated by Olga Filimonova, head of the information platform uniting practicing designers, architects, suppliers of the building materials market and the interior market of the North-Caucasian Federal District. Experts discussed the principles of organizing an architectural bureau, the search for new design solutions, as well as the features of modern interior design. The discussion was attended by leading architects and designers from all regions of the North Caucasus.

Assistant of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction, Candidate of Biological Sciences Victoria Demirovna Drup took part in the forum of designers and architects in the North Caucasus "URBAN DESIGN 2020". For the first time, designers and architects from all over the region came together. The forum gave practical recommendations from successful and well-known professionals in design and architecture. 

The best speakers from the field of design and architecture spoke at the forum:

· Boris Uborevich-Borovsky, Russian architect. Chairman of the Moscow Architectural Society, Member of the Union of Moscow Architects, Professor MARCHI, head of the architectural studio ub.design. Head of Workshop No. 7 at Mosproject OJSC.

· Victor Dembovsky, designer, historian of architecture and design.

· Maria Serebryanaya, head of the DOM-A archbureau, architect, designer, decorator, creator of furniture collections. Member of the Union of Designers of Russia. She graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute of Architecture at the Department of Reconstruction. Prizewinner and nominee of numerous Russian and foreign competitions.

· Alexey Dorozhkin, editor-in-chief of one of the leading interior publications ELLE DECORATION; art historian collaborating with Sotheby's Auction House; Member of the Board of the Association of Designers and Interior Decorators of Russia (ADDI) and the Association of Specialists of Subject Design (ASPD).

· Vitaly Stavitsky, guest of honor of the Forum "URBAN DESIGN 2020", President of the Union of Designers of Russia; Academician of the National Academy of Design; Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation; Member of the Council for Engineering and Industrial Design under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

· Olga Filimonova, moderator and co-organizer of the Forum "URBAN DESIGN 2020", head of CEBC "Center of effective business communication" - an information platform uniting practicing designers, architects, suppliers of the market for building and finishing materials and the interior market of the North-Caucasian Federal District. 

Victor Dembowski revealed the problems when choosing a particular style in the interiors. He spoke in detail about historicism and neo-styles, eclecticism and fusion, kitsch and the mistakes of modern designers. Alexey Dorozhkin devoted his presentation to such important aspects in the work of a designer as portfolio compilation, photography of projects, specifics of selecting publications for a magazine and the Internet. Boris Uborevich-Borovsky shared his experience in managing the architectural bureau, secrets of maintaining team spirit and competent project management. Maria Serebryanaya spoke about her personal experience: from a collaboration with Italian furniture brands to the opening of a design center. 

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