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Webinar "New in accounting, taxation, auditing, control in theory and practice"


Under the agreement on network interaction between the Stavropol state agricultural UNIVERSITY and Saint Petersburg state economic University held a webinar "innovations in accounting, taxation, auditing, control in theory and practice", organized by doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department "Internal control and audit" FINEC Natalia Alexandrovna Kamordzhanova.

The event was attended by teachers of the departments of "accounting financial Accounting" (associate Professor Kulish N. In. Sytnik O. E., V. S. Germanova), "management Accounting" (Professor Yakovenko V. S., associate Tatarinova M. N., Feskov M. V.) and graduate full-time tuition master's program "Management accounting and controlling".

The webinar speaker ‒ Natalia Lazareva, Ph. D., Professor in the Department of internal audit and control, St. Petersburg state economic University, auditor, business coach, highlighted the main changes in accounting and tax accounting in the budgetary and commercial organizations in 2020. Additionally, it addresses a number of issues related to innovations in the auditing and organization of the system of internal control of economic subjects.

Except for the Stavropol state agrarian University in the webinar was attended by the representatives of Saint-Petersburg state economic University, Perm state scientific research University, Orenburg state University, Brest state technical University.

The issue raised Lazarus N. In. caused a lot of questions from the webinar participants. Form of communication online between high-level professionals and regional universities are very helpful as the teachers and young researchers, and promotes their professional level and teaching skills. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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