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The traditional winter conference of the company "Syngenta" in SSAU


The traditional winter conference of the Syngenta company dedicated to phytosanitary threats, an integrated plant protection system, and novelties of maize and sunflower hybrids was held at Stavropol State Agrarian University. The winter conference was attended by employees of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture. In addition, about 240 representatives of the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as distributors of the company, became its participants.

The event was opened by the Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Nikolaevich Sitnikov, who focused on the condition and moisture supply of winter crops. The Minister emphasized that today «Nauka» and companies cooperating with agricultural producers should unite and work out a unified strategy for selecting agricultural technologies that will help shape the future crop of 2020. 

The head of the FSBI Rosselkhoztsentr in the Stavropol Territory Andrei Yurievich Oleinikov also greeted all participants in the conference and expressed his gratitude to the company, which is able to create new trends in agricultural production, maximizing the potential of the Stavropol land.

Welcoming remarks to the conference participants from the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were made by the dean, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Alexander Nikolaevich Yesaulko, who on behalf of the acting rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov thanked the representatives of Syngent, as a strategic partner of the university and faculties, for long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation related with research and scholarship program. Alexander Nikolaevich drew attention to the fact that, due to the intensive globalization of the modern world and, in particular, agribusiness sectors, an important aspect in the development of agriculture are the achievements of Syngenta in the field of protecting crops from harmful organisms. And every year the portfolio of developed and updated chemical formulas of the company’s products covers a wider range of innovative research in the field of plant protection, which raises the bar for efficiency and environmental friendliness for each next generation of products. At the end of his speech, Alexander Nikolaevich wished the company new joint research in testing pesticides and hybrids. 

The director of the South region of Syngenta LLC Aleksey Vasilievich Dmitrienko and the head of the territorial division of Syngenta LLC of Stavropol Andrey Makhrov noted the important role of cooperation for the development of agricultural science and agricultural production in our country. According to the partners of the university, using the potential of genetics, adapted cultivation technologies, the best advanced experience and market knowledge, using joint efforts, you can increase the profitability of Russian agriculture.

During the conference, leading experts shared information on innovative areas of the company’s activities, new plant protection products, including for growing sunflower and corn, and discussed the phytosanitary situation of field crops.

The General Director of LLC Agrospeaker Vitaly Shamaev reported on the analysis of the market for grain and oilseeds, emphasizing that grain trade without prejudice to Russian arable land is the main condition for the development of agricultural Russia. 

Doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of chemistry and plant protection of the Stavropol GAU Natalia Glazunova told about the phytosanitary situation in the Stavropol Krai and the forecast for the spring of 2020. Elaborated on the overwintering stock of cereal pathogens and pests of field crops.

Head of technical support region South Dmitry Borodin has introduced a new molecule of Salacinol, which is part of the first SDHI – fungicide in the line of Syngenta to protect crops. And gave a description of the means of protection of plants from pests and weeds, showing the audience a ready-made solution.

The company Syngenta is the leader in sales of sunflower seeds and corn on the Russian market, and aims to create new high-yielding hybrids for the Russian market, which are adapted to specific growing conditions. About new sunflower hybrids present informed the Manager of marketing companies and means of protection of plants in the sunflower and canola Ivan Afanasiev, drawing the attention of agricultural producers on the cultivation in the conditions of economy of hybrids of different groups of ripeness depending on the technologies and gave recommendations for the integrated protection of culture.

With a new high-tech corn hybrids in the portfolio, the company introduced regional field expert Igor Nosov.

Technical expert on digital technologies Yuri Derevnin reported on the new commercial project from the company "Singenta", and it's Pricing. Platform Pricing is a system of remote monitoring of agricultural land, which includes efficient monitoring of cultivated areas using satellite images, planning and documenting agricultural operations, as well as tracking equipment. With this acquisition, Syngenta will be the only company with access to the leading control platforms on the four leading agricultural markets.

According to tradition, in the framework of the annually held winter conference, the staff not only talked about plug-in hybrids and ranges NWR of the company, but also answered the questions of the customers, gave technical advice on various aspects of cultivation of field crops, from planting to cleaning. In the mode of communication "face to face" the representatives of the company and customers shared information on the results and experience of production in a specific region when implementing various technologies.


The company "Syngenta" was founded in Switzerland in 2000 by combining agropokolenie Novartis AG and AstraZenecaPlc.Representatives of Syngenta are currently open in 90 countries. Today they offer not only a wide range of seeds of key field crops in the Russian region - sunflower, corn, sugar beets, rapeseed - and a wide range of plant protection products, but also comprehensive professional protection programs for agricultural producers.

Thanks to the synthesis of research and development and deep knowledge of the realities of the agricultural market, the company develops solutions and technologies that provide farms with the maximum return on investment. In May 2016, Syngenta opened the first seed quality control laboratory in Russia in the city of Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  21

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