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Congratulation on the Defender’s Day of the temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Atanov I. V.


Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

I congratulate you with the holiday of courage, nobleness, honor – Defender of the Fatherland Day! Each of us puts our own meaning on this date. Someone considers the 23rd of February a holiday for all, who have served in the army, valiant officers for whom this profession means to defend their Motherland. But in any case, the Defender’s Day unites strong and courageous men, ready to take the responsibility not only for their families, but also for their work, for the small and large Motherland!

Stavropol State Agrarian University celebrates its 90th anniversary this year is rightfully proud of its teachers and students, all who are undoubtedly endowed with these highest human qualities. Special thanks to the faculties of the university, its staff, graduates, who still remain at the forefront and faithfully serve the country, generously giving their knowledge, experience and strength, reliability, decency, willpower, the ability to bear responsibility and make decisions in a difficult situation, an increased sense of duty are truly masculine qualities. No matter how times change, a man has a great responsibility: for his family, for his team, for his country.

Allow me to wish you good health, good spirits and faith in yourself, family warmth, happiness, prosperity, and a clear sky above your head on Defender of the Fatherland Day. May there be as many joyful moments in life as possible! 

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