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Cooperation with benefits for professional education


As part of the University's research and production cooperation with LLC Agrocormservice Plus, Professor of the Department of private animal engineering, selection and breeding Elena Epimakhova regularly travels to the company's branches to perform technological audits

In agreement with the company's Director, Andrey Valdemarovich Vrana, Elena Edugartovna is accompanied on many of these business trips by students who are members of the company "Poultry farmer" for practice-oriented approaches in the implementation of the Main Profeccional Curriculum in the direction of 36.03.02 "Zootechnics".

Students Alexander Gridasov, Elizaveta Gribenchenko, Irina Legkova and Elena Sinyakina were involved in evaluating the egg incubation technology of their own parent herds of "DOMINANT CZ" and "Ross-308" crosses, as well as highbred Converter turkeys from France.

The company's specialists participated in the inspection:

- Head of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, the graduate of SSAU Vladimir Aleksandrovich Grishin;

- Manager, graduate of SSAU - Yuri Kramarenko;

- Head of the incubation shop - Mikhail Filimonov;

- Brigadier - Valentina Mikhailovna Pertseva. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.02.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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