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Workshop “Problems of the repair of domestic and imported equipment” in the Kurskiy municipal district


In Kurskiy municipal district of the Stavropol Territory, a workshop “Problems of the repair of domestic and imported equipment” was held. The seminar-meeting was attended by representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University, heads and specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Territory, the department of agriculture and environmental protection of Kurskiy Municipal District, heads and employees of engineering services of organizations, heads of peasant (farmer) households, and the joint-stock company Kostroma Automobile Component Plant, Representatives of the media.

In the welcoming part were:

Albert Sarkisovich Safaryan - Chairman of LLC Kolkhoz named after Lenin, Galyugaevskaya village, Kursk region, Stavropol Territory

Sergey Nikolayevich Sushko - Deputy Head of Administration - Head of the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Administration of the Kursk Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory

Yuri Mikhailovich Bondarev– Chairman of the Board of the Kursk Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory

Anatoly Timofeevich Lebedev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department “Technical Service, Standardization and Metrology”, FSBEI HE “Stavropol State Agrarian University”

Lidia Vasilievna Lutsenko– director of MCOU secondary school No. 11

Evgeny Dmitrievich Trukhachev - head of the technical support department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory

Dmitry Nikolaevich Shokhin– technical manager of Kostroma Automotive Component Plant JSC

In the plenary part of the seminar-meeting, the issues of repairing agricultural machinery were discussed. equipment, supply of certified spare parts and consumables to consumers, presence of counterfeit products on the domestic market.

Shokhin D.N. is the technical manager of Kostroma Automotive Component Plant JSC (www.motordetal.ru) introduced the participants of seminars and meetings with the assortment of products manufactured by the plant, new products and modern advanced technologies sold by the company in the manufacture of spare parts. The production of high-quality products and continuous improvement in the design and manufacture has become possible thanks to close cooperation with the technology partner from Germany, Kolbenschmidt.

In the practical part of the seminar-meeting, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the department “Technical Service, Standardization and Metrology”, FSBEI HE “Stavropol SAU” Anatoly Timofeevich Lebedev together with candidates of technical sciences, associate professors: A. Zakharin, P. A. Lebedev Maryin N.A. a master class on working with various instrumentation was held. Teachers of the university revealed in detail the methods for selecting, adjusting and calibrating a tool for measuring parts of a cylinder-piston group and demonstrated the practical application of modern metrological instruments and equipment.

At the end of the workshop, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, the best workers in the industry were awarded letters of thanks and souvenirs for their diligent work and participation in the development of agriculture.

The objects of the demonstration were the machine yard of the agricultural enterprise, the equipment storage center, the central repair shop, the repair shop for grain and forage harvesting equipment, the workshop for repairing energy-saturated tractors, as well as samples of existing serial and modernized agricultural equipment used in farms. For each object of the show, overview information was provided on the organization of the production process, the practical work of the units for the storage of equipment and repair and restoration work, and the provision of agricultural enterprises with spare parts were shown. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2020
Номер новости для фото:  6

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