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Educational program “Academy of Processing”


EkoNiva-APK invites students to participate in the educational program. The holding is one of the leading agricultural enterprises in Russia. The company's agricultural enterprises operate in the Voronezh, Kursk, Novosibirsk, Kaluga, Ryazan, Moscow, Tyumen, Orenburg, Leningrad regions, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, the Altai Territory on an area of more than 599,000 ha. About 13 800 employees are engaged in agricultural production.

EkoNiva invites 3-4 year students and 1-2 year undergraduates studying in the areas of preparation “Technology for the production and processing of agricultural products” and “Food of animal origin” to take part in the educational program “Academy of Processing” from the company “EkoNiva”.

Collection of applications - from 04.03. 2020 to 03.04.2020. Conducting educational intensives with lectures, excursions, practical exercises - from 20.04.2020 to 23.04.2020. 

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