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International Women’s Day


Dear Colleagues! Lovely women!

I cordially congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, International Women's Day!

The most tender, bright and beautiful day of the year is March 8! The beginning of spring, the beginning of life in nature, the first warm. Dear women, let this warmth settle in your homes and souls. Let the beauty of nature inspire. and the beginning of spring symbolizes the beginning of something very desirable and beautiful in your life!

At all times, people have known and understood that life without women is unthinkable, colorless and sad. You are the eternal companions of romance, love, the kindest human feelings.

The main values are connected with you - the warmth of the family hearth, children's laughter, tenderness and care. May the bright holiday of spring give fulfillment of hopes, warmth and love of those around you!

Thank you for your intelligence, for outstanding professionalism, for your diligence, composure and accuracy. Thank you for being with us. We wish you all a blessing. Always stay beautiful, feminine, merciful, able to create and dream.

Temporarily assuming the responsibilities of

The Rector of Stavropol SAU, Professor I.V.Atanov 

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