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The monograph “Information and analytical opportunities of accounting for managing sustainable economic development” was awarded a diploma of I degree


According to the results of the International competition of research and educational projects of teachers of universities and colleges, held on the initiative of “Interclover-2020” (Nizhny Novgorod.) The monograph “Information and analytical accounting opportunities for managing sustainable economic development” was awarded the diploma of I degree.

The monograph was prepared by a team of authors within the framework of a strategic partnership agreement between Stavropol State Agrarian University, Grodno State Agrarian University, the Mogilev State University of Food and the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev:

- Kulish N.V., Sytnik O.E., Frolov A.V. Associate professors of the Department of Accounting Financial Accounting, Stavropol State Agrarian University;

- Shcherbatyuk S.Yu., Solovich E.A., Kudin V.V., Vartanyan E.S., Vartanyan E.S., Rusina E.V., Grudko S.V., Associate Professors of the Department “Accounting and Control in the agro-industrial complex »of the Grodno State Agrarian University (Republic of Belarus) ;

- Sushko T.I., Bantsevich E.E., Kozlova E.A., Melnik A.G., Associate Professor, Chair of Accounting Analysis and Audit, Mogilev State Food University (Republic of Belarus);

- Turebekova B.O., Saparbayeva S.S., associate professors of the department “Accounting, analysis and audit” of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev (Republic of Kazakhstan). 

Дата новости для фото:  06.03.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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