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In the vivarium of the biotechnological faculty, egg incubation experiments continue


In the laboratory of private zootechnics of the biotechnological faculty, a pre-incubation morphobiochemical analysis of eggs was carried out according to 15 indicators. In two Stimul-1000 incubators, egg incubation was carried out in the vivarium, during which the basic parameters of the growth and development of the embryos were determined. The conclusion and commission subjective and objective assessment of chickens on 7 indicators took place. In addition, chickens were divided by sex according to autosex signs and a pathological analysis of incubation waste was performed.

In accordance with the agreement on scientific and creative cooperation, LLC Agrokormservis plus provided the scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University with cross-eggs “DOMINANT CZ”.

The research is carried out by graduate student Alina Gorbacheva, under the guidance of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Elena Edugatovna Epimakhova.

At all stages of the experiment, students and undergraduates of the Biotechnology Faculty took an active part in the work. The importance of this work from an educational and scientific point of view was noted by Dean of the Biotechnology Faculty, Associate Professor Valentin Sergeyevich Skripkin and Head. Department of Private Zootechnics and Breeding of Animals, Associate Professor Evgeny Nikolaevich Chernobay. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.03.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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