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The university grant competition has come to an end


This year activists have submitted 20 applications, in 8 areas of activity. The Agrarian University Expert Commission reviewed all the projects, evaluated their originality and relevance. The best received funding.

In 2020, the grant competition is conducted in several areas of activity:

- Professional competencies and career guidance - projects aimed at developing professional skills, popularization of certain professions, etc.

- Socially significant projects - projects aimed at providing assistance to those in need, charity projects, volunteer projects with acute social significance, etc.

- Non-formal education - projects aimed at teaching new skills, transmitting new information through the use of various working methods, etc.

- Support for student self-administration and youth initiatives - projects aimed at the development of SSA bodies, student councils of faculties, student associations of higher education institutions, etc.

- Culture and creativity - projects aimed at developing the creative potential of young people, identifying new types of art, etc.

- Student sport and healthy lifestyle - projects aimed at strengthening and preserving health, preventing asocial phenomena, etc.

- Student media - projects aimed at information coverage, etc.

- Patriotic education and intercultural communications - projects aimed at patriotic education; popularization of national values (presentation of traditions and customs of countries, republics, peoples); international cooperation; exchange of experience.

To evaluate the projects, an expert council was formed from the representatives of student self-government and employees of the Stavropol State Administration. The experts assessed the projects by several criteria:

- relevance,

- logical coherence and feasibility of the project,

- innovativeness,

- the ratio of planned costs of the project to its expected results, etc.

After examining all the projects, the jury summed up the results.

The list of winners of the STAU grant competition:

Galina Balykova "Good Generation" - the project is aimed at formation of responsibility and humane attitude to animals in children through educational and entertaining quest, master classes and lectures;

Inna Posevkina "Eco-Pen" - within the framework of the project it is planned to form a caring attitude to the environment among young people;

Valeria Pavlova "Heart remembers the names of the Victory" - within the framework of the project it is planned to hold a conference with members of the Volunteer Units Headquarters;

Anastasia Prydchenko "Safe Dobroland" - within the framework of the project it is planned to hold interactive performances in game form for children from kindergartens of Stavropol in order to form the basis for personal safety;

Ragim Ibragimov "Team" - the project is aimed at telling about the culture of other countries to children aged 8-12 years living in a temporary family detention center;

Yana Balzhirova "Ecosumka" - within the framework of the project it is planned to conduct practical master classes on sewing reusable bags made of natural biodegradable materials in order to reduce the use of disposable non-degradable plastic bags that pollute the environment, as well as to attract young people to the problems of environmental pollution;

Alina Drupova "Generation of the Needy" - within the framework of the project it is planned to form an idea about the realities of life of elderly people in gerontological centers, as well as cultivate a sense of responsibility for the older generation and their family members;

Valentina Lepikhina "Believe in a miracle" - the project is aimed at holding entertainment events for the pupils of the orphanage "Rosinka" aged from 5 to 12 years;

Elena Filipenko "Happiness is to be needed" - the project aims to involve at least 50 teenagers aged 12 to 16 in charity activities, a way to create protective mittens for koalas, whose paws were damaged in a fire;

Raziyat Rajabova "Don't forget history" - the social project will improve the quality of knowledge about the history of Russia among teenagers of a special (correctional) boarding school in Stavropol;

Alexandra Moiseenko "Friendship Marathon 2020" - the Friendship Marathon of the faculties will be held within 3 weeks, aimed at the consolidation and interaction of the faculties, in order to support the initiatives and activities of the 1st course through the organization of "initiative group";

Anna Cherniavskaya "Ethnos Student Festival" - the aim of the festival is to prevent conflicts on the national soil and to form a respectful attitude towards representatives of different nationalities.

The size of the grants of the winners is determined by the expert council of the Contest. The size of the grants is up to 7000 RUB. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.03.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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