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The All-Russian Seminar-meeting "Integrated Rural Development" started its work at Stavropol State Agrarian University


Stavropol State Agrarian University has again become a venue for a large-scale event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Representatives from different regions of the country gathered at the new teaching and laboratory building to discuss the Integrated Rural Development in a constructive dialogue.

Ksenia Shevolkina, Director of the Department of Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, took part in the seminar and meeting.

The guests were welcomed:

- First Deputy Prime Minister of the Stavropol Territory Nikolai Velikdan

- Vladimir Sitnikov, Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory

- Vrio Rector of Stavropol State Administration, Professor Ivan Atanov 

The guests walked along Studensky Prospekt, then studied the exhibition of agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Territory, where the products of local commodity producers were presented, such as: OOO "Vesna" , "Eco-Kultura" APS, "Stavropolsky Dairy Plant" JSC, "Syrodel" JSC, "Aqua Holding" , "Nadezhdensky"OOO Kozy Dairy Plant and others. 

Then there was a presentation of scientific developments of FSBEU "Stavropol State Agrarian University", about the innovative developments told by young scientists and university staff. 

The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech by First Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Territory Nikolai Velikdan. 

Topical issues were raised at the meeting:

The main directions of implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Integrated development of rural areas".

- Strategic aspects of the state program implementation (planning, monitoring s/t);

- Definition of the territories involved in the implementation of the state programme;

- Main prerequisites for the improvement of conditions for the State Program implementation (financing, objectives);

- Digital technologies for implementation of the State Program;

Development of infrastructure and improvement of rural areas

- Basic requirements for integrated rural development projects (inter-sectoral synchronization, evaluation criteria);

- Approaches to project selection and ranking;

- Monitoring of ongoing projects, achievement of targets;

- Formation of points of economic growth in the territory: development of rural tourism;

- Principles of development of projects on improvement of territories;

- Definition of directions for increasing efficiency of project implementation;

- Approaches to construction and reconstruction of roads in rural areas;

- Completion of measures on engineering infrastructure development;

- Definition of directions for improving the efficiency of project and action implementation;

Ensuring affordable and comfortable housing in rural areas

- Preferential rural mortgage, terms of sale;

- Social payments and rental agreement, conditions and prospects;

- Preferential crediting for home improvement;

- Compact housing development as a tool to improve the quality of life in rural areas;

Promotion of employment of the population in rural areas

- Preferential crediting of engineering infrastructure, roads, road constructions, residential construction with

to create jobs in rural areas;

- Organization of attraction of personnel to rural areas (student contracts and organization of production practices);

- Improvement of conditions for implementation of measures;

- Popularization of rural areas, involvement of young people in their development and competence building;

- Current directions of encouragement of rural territories development (contests: youth projects, "ecolata", journalism Olympiad,

sports competitions);

- Involvement of the population in decision-making on the development of territories;

- Directions for training project developers, as well as employees who implement the activities of the State Program;

- Development of tourist destinations: formation of a guide on rural areas (including agro-tourism destinations);

After the plenary meeting the guests had a tour of the new educational and laboratory building of the University.   

Дата новости для фото:  12.03.2020
Номер новости для фото:  10

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