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Implementation of a practice-oriented approach in education for students of SSAU


Stavropol State Agrarian University has always approached the educational process not only with a theoretical presentation of the material, but also with the practical orientation of future specialists. At the Faculty of Biotechnology, boiled sausage "Doctor's" was produced in the conditions of the educational and technological laboratory "Technology of meat and meat products".

3-year students of the direction "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" under the guidance of professor staff:

- Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergei Nikolaevich Shlykov and

- Associate Professor Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov

produced boiled sausage "Doctor's" in the conditions of the educational and technological laboratory "Technology of meat and meat products".

Students of the Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, studying at the SSAU under the program of academic mobility, also took part in the production process. This format of interactive classes is aimed at gaining practical experience in the production of meat products, and contributes to the successful completion of technological practice by students.

Having passed all stages of the technological process, the participants have gained invaluable production experience. 

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