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Elections for the chairman of the Council of students of the Stavropol SAU


Everyone could vote, upon presentation of a student card. The votes were counted in the presence of 10 members of the election commission, which included representatives of all faculties, 2 public observers and one person each from the Council of students and the trade union committee of students of SSAU.

3 candidates ran for the post of chairman of the Council of Students:

- Nikita Vlaskin - 3 year student of the Faculty of Economics;

- Vyacheslav Martsinkevich - 2 year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

- Vladimir Odnoprienko - 3 year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

You could cast your vote for a candidate at one of four polling stations:

- polling station number 1: hostel number 4, Mira St., 306;

- polling station No. 2: the building of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education, Pushkin St., 15;

- polling station No. 3: Institute of Economics and Finance, Mira St., 347/1;

- polling station No. 4: building of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Serov St., 523.

The votes were distributed as follows:

- Nikita Vlaskin - 44.5%;

- Vyacheslav Martsinkevich - 34.4%;

- Vladimir Odnoprienko - 18.5%.

2.6% - the number of spoiled ballots.

Inauguration will take place at a conference to be held in April. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.03.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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