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Electronic resources of Scientific library of the Stavropol state agricultural UNIVERSITY for online learning


In connection with the transition to distance learning resources E-library of the Stavropol SAU available from any home computer login and password. Also available from home computers by login and password the resources of electronic library systems (registration of EBS was carried out in the classroom in the library in the first year).

Dear students! 

In connection with the transition to distance learning we remind You that the resources of the Electronic library of the Stavropol SAU ( available from any home computer login and password (login – name, password is Your student ID). 

Available from home computers by login and password the resources of electronic library systems (registration of EBS was carried out in the classroom in the library in the first year): 

· ABS DOE (https://e.lanbook.com/). If you do not remember the login, password of EBS DOE is the opportunity for remote registration.

· ABS Znanium.com (https://new.znanium.com/). If you do not remember the login password, use the option "Action Quarantine" ( https://new.znanium.com/help/quarantine)

· ABS yurayt (package str). Links to all available tutorials for SPO posted on the website of the Scientific library of the Stavropol SAU - http://bibl-stgau.ru/index.php/studentam/spo

· EB "GrebennikOn". For remote operation: (login) start58 (password) AJN

On the portal eLIBRARY.RU open access to undergraduate and graduate students with their home computers to all resources subscribed to by the University, while adhering to three conditions - https://elibrary.ru/projects/subscription/elibrary_home_access.asp?. Recall that in the Stavropol SAU access portal eLIBRARY.RU – subscription to electronic journals: http://bibl-stgau.ru/index.php/periodicheskie-izdaniya2/18-periodicheskie-izdaniya/231-elektronnye-zhurnaly-neb-elibrary

On the website of the Scientific library hosted an interactive list of online courses, recommended by the Ministry of science and higher education of RF, links to education platforms, online courses, lectures. http://bibl-stgau.ru/index.php/studentam/onlajn-kursy-dlya-distantsionnogo-obrazovaniya

Leading universities open their electronic library and online courses for effective online learning:

· Saint-Petersburg state Polytechnic University Peter the Great opened its digital library for everyone https://www.spbstu.ru/media/news/education/spbpu-electronic-library-switched-single-password-opened-access-all-universities/?fbclid=IwAR2nXUReyMr9t-5wql2smEtjrtdY2AMSbJ5l0O6toyVlWUrmrhoa2xHEITs

In Russia earned a site with free services. Courses for self-education, services that help you stay at home with comfort, remote consultations of doctors. In the public domain there are Russian and foreign classics, favorite films and series in online cinemas: 


On the website of the Scientific Library, the news feed contains relevant news on the opening of free access to the resources of universities, educational and scientific platforms, and publishers. http://bibl-stgau.ru/

 Follow the news! Learn online! 

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