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Stavropol SAU again the leader in the demand for higher education institutions in the Russian Federation


Graduates of agricultural universities again, as in the previous year, became the most in demand among employers in 2019; on average 72% of graduates are sent to work - these are the results of the ranking of demand for universities, according to the "Social Navigator" of MIA "Russia Today".

In 2019, the study included 436 higher education institutions: public, municipal and private, including 88 classical universities, 125 engineering institutions, 49 agricultural institutions, 65 humanitarian institutions (including pedagogical, philological, physical education and sports), 59 management institutions and 50 medical institutions.

According to the research data, Stavropol State Agrarian University retained its leadership in the group of "Agricultural Universities". Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin rose to the second place (third place in 2018), the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin closes the three leaders (second place in 2018).

"In the group of agricultural higher education institutions the share of referrals to employment is the highest - on average 72% of graduates receive referrals to work. Management graduates are least demanded by employers - about 33% on average, but this indicator has been steadily growing in recent years. In general, the share of referrals to work does not correlate with the main orientation of the university educational activity. Different types of HEIs show different strategies for employment of graduates", - reports MIA "Russia Today".

According to the rating results, the Lomonosov Moscow State University has once again become the most popular higher education institution in the group of classical universities, the South-Western State University (third place in 2018) and the Urals Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin (second place in 2018) are in second place.

"Social Navigator" is a project of MIA "Russia Today", specializing in exclusive international and Russian social research in education, medicine and urban environment. The project won prestigious awards of Russia - "Runet Prize" and the National Program "Best Social Projects of Russia" in 2012.


Вузы, востребованные в РФ – 2019: основные результаты рейтинг

Demand for universities in Russia - 2019: main results rating

Рейтинг востребованности вузов в РФ - 2019

Rating of demand for higher education institutions in Russia - 2019 

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