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The boiling point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the work of the "Spring Navigator" in the system of the national technological initiative


By what laws will the post-viral world live? How to develop your business in the new economic conditions? How will demand change and which business models will be most stable under conditions of uncertainty? On April 8, we will talk about what services of the NTI ecosystem you can use to find answers to these and other questions.

“Spring Navigator” is a traditional networking event of the NTI ecosystem. This year it will be held in the format of an online convention, using the Zoom service. Join the “Spring Navigator” on April 8, no matter what field you work in. Participating in a particular session, you will understand how you live and work in a new reality. You will also learn how the tasks of a business in attracting personnel and testing technological hypotheses are solved using the tools of the University 20.35.

We will talk about how to conduct a business in the face of uncertainty, which models will be the most stable, which formats of thinking will help solve your problems, what new markets and tools for entrepreneurs will appear soon, and finally, how you can build your technology business together with NTI.

All the details on the active link!


Дата новости для фото:  07.04.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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