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Student life in general isolation mode


Throughout the time of compulsory self-isolation on the social networks of the Agrarian University, online quests, quizzes and challenges are held that help students cheer up and unwind while being on distance learning.

University sound engineers - Mikhail Mikhailov (student of the Faculty of Economics) and Ivan Andropov (student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization) prepared cool mixes of songs for students of the Agrarian University to raise their insistence and dance.

For students, the game "Find a hidden goose in the picture." The participants had to find the geese hidden in the picture, most of which were hidden very well, but most students still had no problem finding them.

Students took part in the game "Truth or Myth." Subscribers had to answer questions related to volunteer groups, leader groups, aesthetic education center, as well as the Kolos sports club.

On a regular basis, posts “Find the Differences” appear. Students studied pictures and photographs, in which it was necessary to find differences. Many managed to cope with this difficult task.

The instagram hosts live broadcasts with university activists. So, Victoria Eryomina (a student of the Faculty of Economics) showed a live set of exercises for all muscle groups to keep her body in good shape.

The deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of SSAU Vladimir Avakyan together with the Agrarian MEDIA media center conducted an interesting online quiz consisting of three tours: intellectual questions, guess a song and questions about the Agrarian University. The guys had fun, and in the end 3 winners were selected who received delivery of prizes from the sponsors of the media center.

In total, more than 400 students and graduates of the university joined the broadcast.

Especially for students of the Agrarian University, a collection of podcasts on the topics: creativity, psychology, culture, the media, health and cooking was compiled.

The media center does not stop and continues to work in self-isolation mode, there is still a lot of useful and entertaining information ahead, go to VKontakte and Instagram social networks and enjoy your pastime.



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