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Webinar on current topics in veterinary profile


As part of the strategic cooperation between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Purina, a number of training webinars on relevant topics of the veterinary profile will be held in the conditions of distance learning.

For students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Purina will conduct a series of distance webinars. The strategic partner offers a convenient electronic platform webinar.ru, with the help of which student participation in training will be comfortable and productive.

Dear students and teachers! We invite you to attend a series of webinars.

Topic: "Instrumental methods for the diagnosis of abdominal pathologies.

Date: 17.04.2020


Igor Markovich Milshtein

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Morphology of Expertise and Surgery VK Neovit

Anna Sergeevna Barkova

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Morphology of Expertise and Surgery VK "Ranara"

Link to the webinar:  https://events.webinar.ru/11958855/4013070

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