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Constitutional dialogues for students and lecturers of SSAU


In Stavropol State Agrarian University, the conversation continues on the constitutional amendments submitted to the All-Russian vote. In the format of constitutional dialogues, conducted by Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Russia Viktor Alekseevich Cherepanov on the information portal “Constitutional Legal Forum”, a constructive conversation was organized about the issues that arise when reading constitutional amendments.

Last week we discussed the first, initial question about the necessity and expediency of constitutional amendments.

The theme of our dialogue today is a new model of Russian power, which is being established in our country. In essence, we are talking about a rational organization of the social order that is adequate to the naturally historical laws of social development and reflects the social traditions, values ​​and moral principles that have developed in our country.

The materials of this second dialogue are posted on the Constitutional and Legal Forum via the direct link https://legal-sense.ru/2020/04/17/конституционные-изменения-часть-2

Дата новости для фото:  21.04.2020
Номер новости для фото:  1

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