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Constitutional Dialogues for Students and Academics SSAU


In Stavropol State Agrarian University, we continue to talk about the constitutional changes that have been put to all-Russian vote. In the format of constitutional dialogues held by Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Russia Viktor Cherepanov on the information portal "Constitutional-Legal Forum", a constructive conversation about problematic issues arising from the reading of constitutional amendments was organized.

The theme of the third dialogue is the alternation of presidential power. The Constitution amendment law imposes stricter restrictions than the current Constitution: the same person cannot now hold office for more than two terms. For the former and current President, however, these restrictions apply without regard to their former presidency. This means that they can be elected to the presidency twice more, which has led to a mixed perception in our country, from full support to absolute rejection. These are the pressing issues that, in fact, have stirred up the whole country and become the subject of our constitutional dialogue. The materials of this dialogue are available at the Constitutional and Legal Forum at the direct link https://legal-sense.ru/2020/04/26/конституционные-изменения-часть-3

Дата новости для фото:  27.04.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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