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Virtual Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Contribution of Scientists to Victory!"


On the eve of the Great Victory Day holiday, academic staff of the Electric Power Faculty, the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University held a virtual student scientific-practical conference "The contribution of scientists to the Victory!" The Great Patriotic War stirred up the whole nation, including people involved in science, and, of course, physicists. People ofscience and technology also took up military duty.

Everyone understands that a significant role in the creation of modern weapons is played by technology, the basis of which is physical science. Whatever new type of weaponry is being created, it inevitably rests on physical laws: the first artillery weapon was developed and it was necessary to take into account the laws of motion of bodies (projectile), air resistance, gas expansion and metal deformation; submarines were created, and the laws of the motion of bodies in liquids, accounting for Archimedean force came first; problems of bombing led to the need to compile tables to find the optimal time for dropping bombs on a target. In many cases, physicists worked directly at the front, testing their proposals in practice. Many physicists fell on the battlefield, defending their homeland.

The activities of scientists in the war years are a wonderful example of selfless service to their homeland and their people, selfless and intense creative work. History has kept us a lot of vivid evidence of this. From the first days of the war, Soviet scientists, designers, engineers were determined to give all their knowledge and strength, all their work and experience to the great cause of defeating fascism. “Everything for the front, everything for the victory!” - these words became the motto of millions.

As a result of the conference, a collection of articles was published in 3 parts, in connection with a large number of students who want to participate and thereby commemorate the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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