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IV annual educational project "School of Social Design"


The IV annual educational project “School of Social Designing”, organized by the headquarters of volunteer groups with the support of the primary trade union organization of students of SSAU, has completed. This year the project was implemented on-line.

This year, 30 young people took part in the project, including representatives of higher educational institutions and professional educational organizations of Stavropol.

The school was held in an online format on the social network Instagram, and included 5 classes from speakers - practitioners on the analysis of the description of individual parts of the project. The knowledge gained was consolidated in practice through homework, as a result of which participants received recommendations for finalizing projects. 


The school ended with a presentation of the developed projects, as a result of which the school leader was chosen. This year 2 teams were selected as winners:

Patriotic project “Dear Past”, project authors: 1st year student of the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education of the SSAU Elena Filippenko and the 1st year student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism of the SSAU Julia Kostina.

The project "Professional Career Guidance Forum" Professional ", the authors of the project are NCFU postgraduate Elena Lankina and a 3rd year student of the regional multidisciplinary college Andrei Semenov.

Winners of the project will be awarded with diplomas and prizes, and all project participants will receive certificates of participation.

Currently, over the past 3 years, out of 36 project graduate teams, representatives of 22 teams are winners of grant competitions. 5 more teams implemented the developed projects without grant support.

Considering that some graduates won several times in all-Russian, district and university grant competitions, the total amount of grants for school graduates today amounted to 3 million 900 thousand rubles. Thus, the project performance is 69.4%. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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