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SSAU Boiling Point hosts a series of educational webinars from PAO Sberbank.


As part of the plan for joint innovation, scientific, practical and social activities in 2020, the staff of the Department of Financial Management and Banking in cooperation with the Training Center of Southwestern Bank of PAO Sberbank in Boiling Point SSAU organized a series of educational webinars for employees, students and business partners of the Agrarian University.

The speakers included:

Tatiana Avdeeva, Chief Training Manager of the Training Center of South-West Bank of PAO Sberbank, Stavropol;

Reshetnyak Alexander , Senior Training Manager of the Training Centre of South-West Bank of Sberbank, Stavropol;

Marina Samovalova, Training Manager at the Training Center of the South-West Bank of Sberbank, Rostov-on-Don;

Roman Tkachev, business trainer at the Training Center of South-West Bank of PAO Sberbank, Krasnodar;

Anton Chaplygin, Senior Training Manager at the Training Centre of the South-West Bank of PAO Sberbank, Stavropol.

At the webinar "Active sales through the formation of customer needs" were considered key ways to improve the efficiency of the company's employees to actively seek, attract, persuade, and retain customers, active sales through the formation of customer needs based on SPIN technology.

Changes of any kind require from each employee, and first of all from the manager, special training. The webinar "Change Management, Ways to Work with Employee Resistance" helped the participants to understand how to ease the time of change in the company, what are the reasons for resistance to change and what are the ways to overcome resistance.

As a result of the webinar "Methods of persuasion and argumentation" the participants learned to make deeply elaborated, weighty and evidentiary arguments in support of their position, to see weaknesses in their argumentation, to master the methods of disproving the opponent's position and to master the skills of resistance.

Stress and anxiety are inevitable in any person's life. We all strive to remove the source of stress and change the situation that worries us. So the best thing we can do is to work with our reactions, learn to manage emotions and increase awareness. This is what the Stress Management Webinar was all about.

Experienced managers attach great importance to effective communication between manager and subordinates. The key tool for such communication is feedback. In the webinar "Feedback Mastery" participants together with the speaker analyzed algorithms and ways to provide feedback to employees.

Today, many business tasks are too complex to be solved by a single specialist, even with the highest qualifications. A team approach is becoming a necessity. How to create a successful team? What "team roles" will be needed to achieve the goal? How do you build an interaction within a team? Is it possible to avoid conflicts? This and other questions are covered in the webinar "Team Roles".

During the "Time Management" webinar, participants will acquire knowledge about planning their working time, learn how to competently manage time and use it as efficiently as possible. Participants will learn how to set priorities in their work, correctly allocate time for work and rest, which will help to improve their performance and results.

There is a lot of talk now about emotional intelligence, but few people know what it is and how to develop it. At the webinar "Emotional Intelligence" the speaker will deal with the following questions:

- What is included in the field of emotional intelligence development;

- How Emotional Intelligence is related to promotion and conflict-free communication with colleagues, managers;

- How emotional intelligence affects the quality of life.

Every day we face the need to communicate. Unfortunately, it does not always give positive emotions, and for some conflicts are a constant part of interaction with others. Conflicts arise in any area of our personal and professional life. To master the skill of correct reaction to aggression is available to all and everyone. The unique technique of psychological aikido will help in this. About its principles and applied techniques will tell on a webinar "How to work with an aggressive client: techniques of psychological aikido. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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