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Congratulations on Victory Day from the Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education


Dear colleagues!

I heartily congratulate you on the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

In the heroic annals of our state, Victory Day occupies a special place. Decades pass, generations are replaced, but the Great Victory as a symbol of national pride, military glory and valor will forever remain in our hearts.

It is impossible to measure everything that the military generation has done for Russia, its future, for all of us. We pay tribute to our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended our homeland in the most brutal and bloody war, who defended the freedom and independence of our people on the battlefields. We pay tribute to all the home front workers who forged victory by their labor. We are deeply grateful to veterans for their faith and courage, for will and patience!

Let the memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War be for all an eternal example of patriotism, a model of courage and perseverance!

I sincerely wish you and your families good health, prosperity and a peaceful sky above your head!

Sincerely yours,

Director of the Department of Science

and Technology Policy and Education N.A. Ivanova 

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