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Students of SSAU practice in the farms of the Stavropol territory


In order to provide additional support to the agricultural enterprises for spring field works were attracted students of agrarian universities of Russia. The initiative is due to the situation related to the spread on the territory of the Russian Federation of a new coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV).

The quantity of the student group of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources Stavropol State Agrarian University was 21 students.

For work students were sent to the nine municipal districts of the Stavropol territory. Among the enterprises where children work, there are farms with which the faculty collaborates on the questions of practice organization and employment for many years.

First, the members of the student Union were involved in the preparation of equipment, and then took an active part in the conduct of spring field work. So, in OOO "Premium" Novoaleksandrovskyi city district members of the student Union (commander – master of the 1 year of study Alexander Gadga) took part in the assessment of winter crops caught in extreme drought conditions in 2020, participated in a harrowing, seeding late spring crops.

Irrigated agriculture in modern conditions is one of the priority directions of agro-industrial complex. OOO Agrofirma "Kits" - farm located in extremely arid areas where irrigation is impossible without the cultivation of crops and therefore members of the student Union under the guidance of the master of the 1 year of study Timothy Kits mastered this form of modern agricultural machinery.

Ahead of fighters is still much to do, but the main goal is support and development of student labor brigades on the territory of the region, promotion of student labor movement among young people. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  1

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