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Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Stavropol branch of Russian Agricultural Bank signed a cooperation agreement


Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Stavropol Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank Joint Stock Company have long-standing and strong friendly business relations. Organizations continue to implement joint projects.

The cooperation agreement was signed by:

· ·the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, and

· the Director of the Stavropol branch of Rosselkhozbank Zoya Dmitrievna Tikhomirova.

The heads of organizations, in the framework of cooperation, discussed a project to digitalize the educational process in terms of banking services.

The so-called campus solutions that underlie the project involve the integration of several separate systems into an integrated complex using a single student identifier (ID). In this case, the standard debit card is supplemented by the university’s non-payment services: access control and management system (ACS), electronic library system, electronic information and educational environment (attendance journals, statements on reporting forms of control, etc.).

Within the framework of cooperation, a project of the Technology Transfer Business Center has already been implemented, which operates on the basis of a specialized laboratory of the bank at the Accounting and Finance Department. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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