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In SSAU the Center of highly productive management of farm animal genetic resources


On the biotechnological faculty of the Stavropol state agrarian university on behalf of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation and under the leadership of Academician of RAS, Doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of Department of feeding and General biology Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev established the Center for highly productive management of farm animal genetic resources was established.

The control center is high-yielding genetic resources of livestock has the following structure: expert-monterskaja service; control-assistant service; reference laboratory for milk quality assessment; laboratory of genetic control. Director of the Center appointed doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor of chair of private animal science, breeding and selection of animals Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleynik.

Members of the Centre according to the approved schedule, twice a week go to the best breeding farms of the Stavropol region, where the work is done on the linear evaluation of the exterior of the cows, recording of milk production, selection and transport of samples of raw milk for testing in a reference laboratory, which is equipped with modern laboratory equipment in accordance with the requirements of the International Committee for animal registration (ICAR).

Through the work of the Center members of the student Union "Technology" Denis Filatov, Nikita Buryan and Artem Maltsev and students AGATHU (YASAA) Vasiliy Kurchatov, Alexander Nikitin together under the guidance of associate Professor of the chair of private animal science, plant breeding and animal breeding Alexei Pokotylo visited, OOO Khleborob Petrovsky district, a leading breeding enterprises for breeding of cattle of Yaroslavl breed, which allowed to learn about technology and to obtain practical skills of preparation and storage of silage in silage bags.

The students received practical skills of early ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy in cows, got acquainted with technological equipment for the production of milk, schemes and methods of milking cows during milking on the "Tree", have gained practical skills test milking on dairy farms, produced milk sampling for Laboratory breeding and milk quality control.

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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