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Plenary session "Innovative technologies in agriculture, veterinary and food industry"


Opened the meeting Dean of the faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology, candidate of veterinary Sciences, Professor Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin.

With a salutatory word to participants addressed the acting Vice-rector for research and innovations, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev. He stressed the rich experience and high scientific potential of the scientists of the faculties and the prospects of cooperation of the University in research and education with leading research institutes and universities.

Traditional event gathered a wide range of participants: teaching staff of the Stavropol state agrarian university, Russian state agrarian University - MTAA named after K. A. Timiryazev, doctor of St. Petersburg state agrarian University, Moscow state Academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology-MBA K. I. Skryabin, North-Caucasus Federal University, Russian scientific research Institute of sheep breeding and goat breeding – branch of Federal state scientific institution"North-Caucasian FNAC" strategic partners-employers: Ministry of agriculture of the Stavropol territory, SPK "Kolkhoz Rodina" Krasnogvardeisky district, SPK "Plemzavod the second five-years period" Ipatovsky area, and foreign scientists abroad.

A report on the status and prospects of development of dairy farming in the Stavropol Krai was made by first Deputy Minister of agriculture of Stavropol region, candidate of agricultural Sciences Sergei A. Talalaev. He listed the problematic issues of development of dairy cattle breeding, emphasized the leading role of dairy cattle in the economy of the Stavropol region, identified the most promising species and noted the work of the key agricultural enterprises of the industry.

The interest of the audience has caused the report on a theme: "System of pedigree and commercial beef cattle SPK "Kolkhoz Rodina" the main livestock specialist, head of Department of animal husbandry SPK "Kolkhoz Rodina" Dmitry Petrovich Yarovoy, which in detail told the audience about business and economic activities of the enterprise, peculiarities of technology of reproduction of the herd of cattle in the organization, noted the problems of management and logistics industry, employment opportunities for graduates of zooveterinary profile. This farm has become a scientific and industrial base of elimination of Demetrius the type of Hereford cattle for meat productivity. This selection achievement was the result of work of a large team of scientists-breeders, the leading role which belonged to scientists of the Stavropol state agrarian University headed by Academician of RAS, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Further report on the impact of zoohygienic and feeding conditions on the quality and quantity of litter manure of broiler chickens was made by graduate student of the 3rd year of study Maria G. Barsukova and Professor, Department of private animal husbandry, breeding and animal breeding of the Stavropol state agrarian University, doctor of agricultural Sciences Elena Eduardovna Epimahova. This theme became the basis for the execution of the PhD thesis were performed in the laboratory and research vivarium of the faculty, marked in 2020 by the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, becoming a finalist at the upcoming III stage of all-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, postgraduates and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia in the nomination "Agricultural science".

At the end of the plenary session with the report "innovative technological solutions for livestock breeding" was presented by associate Professor of the Department of animal feeding and General biology of the Stavropol state agrarian University, candidate of agricultural Sciences Tamara Sergeevna Lesniak. She elaborated on the prospects for the use of aerospace technology in the development of pasture animal breeding, methods of estimation of breeding and productive qualities of cattle for dairy and beef productivity by the method of ICAR. This work was realized by the staff of the faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of the faculty in the framework of the implementation of the grant of the Federal target programme together with foreign partners from Kazakhstan.

The conference organizing Committee wishes to thank the stuff of the Stavropol state agrarian university administration, the rector Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov for their full support and the opportunity to conduct scientific event.

The conference results will be reflected in the generated collection of scientific articles, which will be placed in the electronic database of the Russian science citation index and on the website of the University. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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