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Final of the design and educational intensive SmartAgro-2019


The online defense of the projects of student teams of the first design and educational intensive SmartAgro-2019 took place. Intensive, organized according to the entrepreneurial type, as a large-scale and multi-stage format for students' project activities, was implemented on the basis of the university under the auspices of the University of NTI 20.35 from October 19, 2019.

The launch of the project-educational intensive began with a voluntary mass diagnosis of students, potential participants in project teams. In total, 2242 students took part in the diagnosis. Of these, 150 students with the highest rating results were selected based on the results of the input diagnostics.

Thus, inter-faculty teams were formed, among which students of 10 faculties (including the faculty of secondary vocational education) in 41 areas / profile of training from 1 to 4 undergraduate courses (specialty).

Intensive participants recommended for the roles of entrepreneur-visionary, technological analyst and organizer were necessarily included in each team. Each team had its own project mentor from among university teachers.

21 teams have been actively involved in design and educational activities immersed in the digital environment over the course of intensive work.

The result of this work was the final defense-presentation of student team projects in areas relevant to the NTI markets FoodNet, TechNet, EnergyNet, BuildingNet, EduNet.

The winners in the nomination "Best Student Project" were five innovative ideas:

- The project “Virtual look at the future profession” (team “Agro-VR”, design mentor: Bobryshev A. N.),

- the project “CUBE - Constructor of the smart future” (the team of “SSAU“ CUBE ”, design mentor: Rybasova Yu. V.),

- The project "Interactive mobile application" Rural Tourism "(team" FuRal ", project mentors: Navolokina K. A., Shahramanyan I. D.),

- The project “Website for the delivery of farm products“ Farm2Fork-26 ”(team“ AgroTeam ”, design mentor: E. Lapina),

- project “Digital regulation of energy resources of distributed autonomous systems in greenhouse complexes” (Houston team, design mentor: I. Dedederkin),

Winners in the nomination "TOP - 5 best mentors":

- Soboleva Lyudmila Ivanovna - faculty of the secondary professional education;

- Mironova Elena Alekseevna - Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

- Lapina Elena Nikolaevna - Accounting and Finance Faculty;

- Skorbina Elena Aleksandrovna - Faculty of Biotechnology;

- Julia Rybasova - Faculty of Economics. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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