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Stavropol State Agrarian University participates in the Foresight NTI 2.0.


In the period from May to August 2020, the Foresight NTI 2.0., Organized by the NTI platform, the University 20.35, RVC and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. A foresight session is a communication method that allows you to see the image of the future through the formulation of a hypothesis, refinement of the methodology and culminating in the creation of a roadmap for the actual formation of the result image.

Today, many areas of NTI suffer from the lack of clear roadmaps for transforming reality in the face of inevitable digitalization. Time requires all of us to be aware, ready to accept its challenges and understand the principles of the technology world.

One of the areas of NTI that urgently requires not only a road map, but also the direct participation of representatives of farmers is Foodnet. In fact, only people for whom the agricultural industry is familiar "from and to" are able to form this roadmap and translate it into reality.

As part of the Foresight NTI 2.0. formed working groups in various areas of NTI. The Foresight working group of the NTI "Foodnet" includes three representatives of Russian agricultural universities: the rector of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Institute of Agricultural Sciences. K.A. Timiryazev Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, acting Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Alexei Bobryshev and Vice-rector for development of the Samara State Agrarian University, Alexei Zinovievich Brumin.

Over the course of three months, working groups within the framework of sessions of the NTI 2.0 Foresight will analyze trends, generate forecasts, deal with threats and barriers, look for answers to questions about new markets and professions of the future, explore the legal field and find possibilities for regulating technological initiatives and industries.

Participation in this intensity will enable the university to understand what to do and where to move in the context of the rapid development of technological processes. The future roadmap will leave the intellectual trace of our agricultural university, its wishes and aspirations. Foresight NTI 2.0. It takes three months, which will allow us to understand how to make education as appropriate as possible for the development of the industry and find an algorithm for real actions and high results. 

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