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Educational webinar from PJSC Sberbank "Career: current trends"


As part of the plan for joint innovative, scientific, practical and social events for 2020, the employees of the Department of Financial Management and Banking together with the Training Center of the South-West Bank of PJSC Sberbank at the Boiling Point of SSAU organized an educational webinar for students of the Agrarian University. At the same time, students at the Boiling Points of the Don State Technical University, Rostov State Economic University (RINH), the North Caucasus Federal University and the South Russian State Polytechnic University joined the webinar.

Galina Aleksandrovna Zhukova, head of the personnel selection and adaptation department of the South-West Bank of PJSC Sberbank, introduced the audience to the current situation in the labor market and key business development trends at present, told how robotization will affect the transformation of the labor market, which professions will lose relevance, and who will be in demand tomorrow, presenting the TOP-10 professions of the future.

The speaker, quoting the words of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and presenting the prerequisites for creating a new model of competencies, drew the attention of students to the need to have universal competencies in order to be in demand on the labor market. The future specialist should:

1. To be cross-functional, work at the junction of professions;

2. Be able to work remotely;

3. To be able to self-learn in the field of IT-technologies, to know the basics of new IT-systems;

4. Be prepared to change up to 10 professions throughout life;

5. Develop the skill of working with Big Data, be able to collect and dispose of large amounts of information;

6. Be prepared for cross-cultural movements - work in different countries in view of globalization;

7. Develop SOFT Skills.

To the question “What can be done for career right now”, Galina Alexandrovna advised students to use the GROW goal achievement model (G - goal, R - reality, Options - circumstances, Way Forward - will) and factors of a successful career.

At the end of the meeting, students were presented with business literature from the unique collection of the library of Sberbank Corporate University and the site https://sbergraduate.ru/, where everyone can meet and sign up for educational programs, internships, review and choose a job at Sberbank. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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