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The XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Technologies in Agriculture and Food Industry Using Electrophysical Factors and Ozone” was held at the Faculty of Power Engineering


The international scientific-practical conference covered a wide geography of participants: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan (Republic of Armenia); Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (Slovakia); FSBEI of HE "St. Petersburg State Agrarian University", St. Petersburg; FSBEI of HE “Kuban State Agrarian University”, Krasnodar; FSBEI of HE "Samara State Agrarian University", Samara; FSBEI HE “Don State Agrarian University” Zernograd; North Caucasus Federal University; All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FNATs"; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Stavropol PKU" "Blagodarnensky agrotechnical college; strategic partners-employers: the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory; JSC "Electroautomatics" Stavropol.

The conference was held on-line on the Zoom platform. The aim of the conference was to discuss problems in agriculture and the food industry in the development of new technologies and technical means for processing agricultural products, as well as the use of promising technologies using electrophysical factors and ozone.

The organizers were: The Council of Foreign Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the faculty of the Department of Physics. The conference was held in celebration of the 90th anniversary of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Doctor of Economics, Professor Aleksey Nikolayevich Bobryshev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. He emphasized the rich experience and high scientific potential of scientists of faculties and the prospects of cooperation between the university in scientific and educational fields with leading research institutes and universities of the country.

The conference was opened by the Dean of the Electric Power Faculty, Associate Professor Mastepanenko Maxim Alekseevich.

With the opening address to the participants:

Oskin Sergey Vladimirovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Electric Machines and Electric Drives, Professor of the Kuban State Agrarian University;

Starodubtseva Galina Petrovna - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Department of Physics, Stavropol State Agrarian University;

Ruzhyev Vyacheslav Anatolievich - Dean of the Faculty of Technical Systems, Service and Energy of FSBEI HE “St. Petersburg GAU”, Associate Professor;

Goryachy Igor Vasilievich - Head of the Department of Design and Development of JSC "Electroautomatics", Stavropol.

At the plenary session the following reports were heard:

1. Tsokur Dmitry Sergeevich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Machines and Electric Drives of the Kuban State Agrarian University

"Modeling of physical and chemical processes in a flowing water electroactivator."

2. Ishkin Pavel Vladimirovich - candidate of technical sciences, head of the research laboratory "Agrocybernetics" FSBEI HE Samara State Agrarian University.

"Improving the efficiency of growing vegetables in a closed agricultural system."

3. Katkov Konstantin Aleksandrovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Information Technology Laboratory of VNIIOK - branch of the North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agricultural Center

"Comprehensive assessment of animals using the index selection method."

4. Afanasyeva Victoria Sergeevna - teacher of the highest qualification category OD (physics, chemistry, biology) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Stavropol PKU

"Organization of educational, research and design activities of students in the framework of teaching physics in the implementation of the GEF."

5. Svirskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna - head of the OD (physics, chemistry, biology), teacher of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Stavropol PKU

“The implementation of the meta-subject approach in teaching the Astronomy course of the section“ Suns and Stars ”.”

6.Popov Maxim Yuryevich - postgraduate student of the first year of study, Faculty of Energy, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute, FSBEI HE Don Don

"Autonomous energy-efficient bio-vegetation complex operating on renewable energy resources."

Students and undergraduates of participating universities took an active part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Foreign guests identified urgent problems of both countries and shared their experience in overcoming them under the current conditions. The conference became a dialogue platform for education, science and agriculture.

During the discussion, the participants of the event expanded their knowledge horizons, exchanged experience and expressed a desire to continue meetings in this format. Based on the results of the scientific-practical conference, an international collection of works will be published, which will be placed in the electronic database of the Russian Science Citation Index and certificates of participants will be issued. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  1

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