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The Constitution of Russia and the myths of Ancient Greece


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the conversation continues on the constitutional amendments submitted to the All-Russian vote. In the format of constitutional dialogues, conducted by Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Russia Viktor Alekseevich Cherepanov on the information portal “Constitutional Legal Forum”, a constructive conversation was organized about the issues that arise when reading constitutional amendments.The topic of the next fourth dialogue is the apparent redundancy of constitutional changes. Continuing the conversation about constitutional reform, I would like to talk about those constitutional changes that, at first glance, do not look binding in the constitutional text and can be established by current legislation. Moreover, some of them are already enshrined in federal laws. This problematic issue, which is actively discussed by many people, is today the topic of our constitutional dialogue. The materials of this dialogue are posted on the Constitutional and Legal Forum via the direct link  https://legal-sense.ru/2020/05/27/конституционные-изменения-часть-4

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