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Section meeting of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization "Resource-saving technologies and technical means in the agricultural sector"


A sectional meeting of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University as part of the 85th annual scientific-practical conference "Agricultural Science of the North Caucasus Federal District." The meeting was held in the format of an online conference on the ZOOM platform. The conference was moderated by Dmitry Alekseevich Sidelnikov, Deputy Dean for Research.

The conference was opened by the vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, doctor of economic sciences, professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev.

The sectional meeting is held, first of all, with the aim of organizing communication, dialogue of specialists, scientists, graduate students, students and practitioners. I would like to thank everyone for their participation, indifference and active work for the development and prosperity of cooperation!

The online conference was attended by employees of all departments of the faculty. Conservation agriculture is a long-term type of resource conservation. With a rational and competent introduction, it is possible to achieve maximum indicators of minimizing costs, reducing damage to the economy and the environment. At the same time, production efficiency and labor results are significantly increased.

A report was made by A.V. Orlyansky, S.N. Kapov, G.G. Shmatko, V.A. Alekseenko, N.A. Baganov, R.R. Iskenderov, N.A. Maryin, D.N. Slyadnev.

The format of the conference allowed to discuss the most pressing problems and prospects for the development of competent management of agricultural resources using new technologies, technical means and a systematic approach. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.05.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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