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The results of the III stage of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia in 2020 are summed up


The final stage brought together a wide representation of the contestants from all Federal districts, who received the highest marks based on the results of the regional stages.

Graduate students and students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Biotechnology Faculty were presented in four categories:

Maria Gennadyevna Barsukova, 3rd year post-graduate student, specialty 06.02.10 “Private livestock production, livestock production technology” with the theme “Admission to improve the hygiene conditions of broiler chickens” in the category “Agricultural Sciences”;

Vasilisa Vasilivna Mitenko, 4th year student with the topic “Predictors of the paraneoplastic syndrome of mammary tumors in carnivores” in the nomination “Veterinary Medicine”;

Ksenia Vladimirovna Erko, 4th year student with the theme: “Development of a method for the prevention of hyper thermic stress in broiler chickens” in the nomination “Veterinary Medicine”;

Ksenia Nikolayevna Polnikova, 4th year student with the theme “Evaluation of the quality of cattle meat for the Foodnet market with the aim of obtaining environmentally friendly livestock products” in the nomination “Veterinary Sanitary Expertise”;

Kristina Vitalievna Kalinina, 3rd year student with the theme “Qualitative characteristics and veterinary and sanitary assessment of broiler chicken meat when added to the diet of natural alternative growth stimulants” in the nomination “Veterinary and sanitary examination”;

Artem Evgenievich Maltsev, 3rd year student with the theme: “The influence of genetic and paratypic factors on the productivity and quality of milk of Ayrshire breed cows” in the nomination “Zootechnics”.

Despite the high competition and distance format, young scientists showed a high level of theoretical training, professionalism in the development of competitive works, related documentation and video materials, confirming the reputation of Stavropol State Agrarian University as the best university in the preparation of scientific personnel, the relevance and practical importance of young scientists.

As a result of the work, three prizes were won in three categories, and diplomas were received from the organizing committee of the competition:

III place - Maria Gennadyevna Barsukova (supervisor - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova);

III place - Vasilisa Vasilievna Mitenko (supervisor - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Vladimirovna Dilekova);

III place - Kristina Vitalievna Kalinina (supervisor - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Orobets). 

Дата новости для фото:  02.06.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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