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The press service of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the laureate of the All-Russian competition "Press Service of the University of the Russian Federation - 2020 "


The results of the VII All-Russian contest "University Press Service" have been summed up. The laureates in seven nominations demonstrated systematic and high-quality work on information support of the work of their university. The difficult epidemiological situation in Russia and the world has left its mark on the general information background and topics of news reports.

Among evaluation criteria there are not only the frequency of publications, their quality (completeness, content, structure), target range, but also the presence / quality of visual content. The topics of the news flow are also taken into account (percentage of thematic materials of the total).

The press service of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is among the laureates for the second consecutive year. This year, the unit has earned recognition in the “Antivirus” nomination.

Information. The All-Russian competition “University Press Service” has been held by the “Accreditation in Education” Publishing House since 2013 in order to increase the level of information transparency of the education system, to encourage the activity of press services that contribute to strengthening the image of universities. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.06.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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