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Fifth Dialogue on Constitutional Amendments Submitted for All-Russian Voting


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the conversation continues on constitutional amendments submitted to the all-Russian vote. In the format of constitutional dialogues, which is conducted by Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Russia Viktor Alekseevich Cherepanov on the information portal "Constitutional Legal Forum", a constructive conversation was organized about the issues that arise when reading constitutional amendments.

The topic of the next fifth dialogue is the all-Russian vote on constitutional amendments, which will begin on June 25, 2020 and end on July 1, 2020. The closer the start of the all-Russian vote, the more intense are the passions and the degree of ideological confrontation rolls over. On the Internet and the media, there is often a politicized consideration of an upcoming event, when the main thing is not arguments, but hanging political labels.

Since we are not involved in politics, within the framework of our constitutional dialogue we will try to talk about nationwide voting without political bias. We will try to conduct its legal analysis in comparison with other forms of direct popular expression of the will (referendum, popular vote) and discuss exclusively legal issues of organization and conduct of nationwide voting.

The materials of this dialogue are posted on the Constitutional and Legal Forum by direct linkhttps://legal-sense.ru/2020/06/13/конституционные-изменения-часть-5

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