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Stavropol State Agrarian University entered the TOP-100 of the best Russian universities


On June 16, 2020, the next list of the 100 best Russian universities was published according to the RAEX rating agency (RAEX-Analytics) https://raex-a.ru/rankings/vuz/vuz_2020#2

According to the rating results of the best universities in Russia, RAEX-100 in 2020, Stavropol State Agrarian University took the 60th place (https://raex-a.ru/rankings/vuz/vuz_2020#2 )!

In 2016, our university occupied the 85th line of the pivot table, in 2017 it took the 73th place, in 2018 - 65th place, in 2019 - 62nd place, this year Stavropol State Agrarian University took the 60th place!

In preparing the RAEX-100 rating in 2020, statistical indicators were used, as well as the results of surveys of more than 61.5 thousand respondents: representatives of academic and scientific circles, students and graduates, employers.

When assessing the quality of education in universities (weight 50%), the groups of indicators “level of teaching”, “international integration”, “resource provision” and “demand among applicants” were considered. To assess the demand for university graduates by employers (weight 30%), the groups of indicators “cooperation with employers” and “graduate career quality” were analyzed. The level of the university’s research activity (weight 20%) was determined based on the groups of indicators “innovative activity”, “scientific achievements” and “research infrastructure”.

The list of the 100 best universities in Russia in the 2020 by RAEX is headed by Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the second place goes to Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the third place is taken by the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.


RAEX university ratings are published annually since 2012. The purpose of the rating is to assess the ability of universities to provide graduates with high quality knowledge, skills and abilities, based on the conditions for their edcation.

RAEX university rating is an integrated assessment of the quality of training of graduates, determined by the quantitative parameters of their educational and research activities and qualitative characteristics that reflect the opinion of key reference groups. In preparing the comparative tables, statistical indicators were used, as well as the results of surveys among 30 thousand respondents: representatives of academic and scientific circles, students and graduates, employers.

RAEX rating of Russian universities successfully passed the international audit of the IREG Observatory, the largest association of compilers and consumers of educational ratings.

RAEX 2020

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