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Scientists of the Biotechnology Faculty of SSAU took part in the All-Russian web-seminar on pedigree dairy cattle breeding

Scientists of the Biotechnology Faculty of SSAU took part in the All-Russian web-seminar on pedigree dairy cattle breeding

The organizer of the web-seminar was RC Plinor LLC, a leader in providing information support for pedigree dairy cattle breeding in Russia.The employees and scientists of the Center for the management of highly productive genetic resources of animal husbandry took part in the seminar.

Scientists together with the head of the Center, professor of the Department of Private Livestock Breeding and Animal Breeding Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleinik took an active part in the All-Russian web-seminar on pedigree dairy cattle breeding.

An innovative approach to the organization of the monitoring process, introduced in 2015 in our region, allows to conduct research on the main quality parameters of raw milk from each breeding cow in the Laboratory for Breeding Milk Quality, which in 2020 passed additional state accreditation on control of the quality and safety of milk raw materials in the framework of international standard GOST ISO / MEK 17025-2009.

The recognition of the authority of scientists at our university in the implementation of a modern dairy herd management methodology tested by the International Committee for the Registration of Animals (ICAR) was a proposal to participate in the All-Russian web-seminar on pedigree dairy cattle breeding (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEyA8OD_nck&feature=youtu.be).

The participants of the All-Russian meeting were regional information-breeding centers (RISC), laboratories of selective milk quality control. A total of 45 participants from 26 organizations-subjects of breeding in the Russian Federation were registered. In his speech, Professor S. A. Oleinik informed the seminar audience about the experience of organizing a control and assistant service, which, with the participation of Associate Professor A. A. Pokotilo, ensures the delivery of raw milk samples from breeding farms to the Laboratory for Breeding Control of Milk Quality, which is located at Biotechnological Faculty of our university.

Based on the results of the web-seminar, a protocol was adopted that emphasized the special importance of improving information support for pedigree dairy cattle breeding taking into account international ICAR requirements, which will improve the efficiency of dairy herd management and improve the quality of dairy raw materials. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.06.2020
Номер новости для фото:  1

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