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Training courses for leading specialists in agrocorporating


On the basis of Institute of additional professional education Stavropol State Agrarian UNIVERSITY was held a refresher course for leading experts on Agrocorporation of the company "FosAgro". The training was first organized on the platform of "Zoom" that did not prevent scientists of the Stavropol GAU efficiently to convey new knowledge and to discuss the challenges of designing the system nutrition of agriculture with regard to the data on agrochemical analysis of soils with the staff of JSC "FosAgro".

With a salutatory word to participants of the course asked:

· Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, Professor Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev

· Director of the Institute of additional professional education of the Stavropol State Agrarian UNIVERSITY, Professor Olga Mikhailovna Lisova.

The speakers were leading scientists of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources of the Stavropol SAU:

Professor of Department of Agrochemistry and plant physiology Alexander Nikoaevich Esaulko,

Professor, head of Department of soil science by. V. I. Tyulpanov Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov,

associate Professor of Department of General agriculture, crop production and breeding by Bobryshev, A.N.. I. A. Donets,

head of the Department of Agrochemistry and plant physiology Evgeny Golosnoy,

senior lecturer of the Department of Agrochemistry and plant physiology Alena Yurievna Ozheredova.

Their knowledge is also shared by the representatives of production: head, research GCAS "Stavropol" Vasily Pavlovich Egorov, and Director of "agro – Consulting" is a leading specialist in the implementation of precision farming Alexei Alexandrovich Tenekov.

For two days students from different regions of Russia got acquainted with the issues concerning the peculiarities and prospects of application of mineral fertilizers in resource-saving technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops, variable rate application of fertilizers as factors of increasing productivity and reducing the cost of crop production. Were given lectures on the topic of the fertility of agricultural land in Stavropol Krai on the results of state monitoring and care to preserve it. Special interest was aroused by issues relating to the absorptive capacity of soils and its influence on the content of nutrients.

At the end of the online lecture was held on the final test, in which students were given certificates of completion. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.06.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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