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Webinar "Foreign experience in internal controlling and risk assessment"


On the framework of the agreement on network interaction between the Stavropol state agrarian University, Saint-Petersburg state economic University held a webcast "Foreign experience in internal controlling and risk assessment".

Moderated by head of the Department internal control and audit, St. Petersburg state economic University, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Natalia Kamordzhanova. The speaker of the event, the head of the audit Department's Management Control Auditor, Oak Management LLC Igor Kazakov.

In the discussion of topical issues related to risk management and the internal control organization, was attended by the representatives of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, University of Adam Kyrgyzstan, Minsk branch of Russian economic University named after Plekhanov, Grodno state agrarian University Voronezh state agrarian University.

From Stavropol state agrarian University the work of the webinar was attended by teachers of the departments: financial accounting, management accounting, graduate master's program "Management accounting and controlling".

The issue raised a lively discussion and deep interest among representatives of the professional community. Such events is a good platform for constructive dialogue, exchange of experience, presentation of the results of their scientific and applied research. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.06.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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