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Lecturers of SSAU took part in the plenary session of the VI all-Russian Congress of financial education volunteers


Took place the opening of the online marathon volunteers financial education, conducted by the Association for the advancement of Financial Literacy. The online event is held in the framework of the first stage of the VI all-Russian Congress of financial education volunteers. In the course of work practice were presented, including the student group "Financier".

The plenary discussion was opened by the head of Service on protection of consumer rights and ensuring access to financial services of the Bank of Russia Mikhail Mamuta. Mikhail V. noted the important role of volunteerism to promote basic financial knowledge, and also encouraged volunteers to take an active part in Digital online marathon.

With a salutatory word to participants addressed the Governor of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina. She thanked the volunteers financial education for their work and noted that thanks to volunteers "the financial side of life is more safe and comfortable."

In the conclusion of his speech the head of the Central Bank invited all wishing to take part in the open day the Bank of Russia, which will also be held in an online format and thanked all participants for their involvement in the development of financial literacy.

During the discussion, the volunteers presented real practice.

On the activities of the student volunteer group "the Financier," said the associate Professor of the Department of financial management and banking, head of the volunteer movement financial literacy of Stavropol state agrarian University Elena Lapina.

The topic of gamification in financemanagement revealed the employee of inter-regional resource center for the Government of St. Petersburg Anna Kalinina.

On the student social the theatre told the student of Ryazan state University Ivan Gorbach.

My experience of helping people of retirement age have shared a pensioner from PrimorskyKrai Olga Gavrilyuk.

A student animation project on financial literacy in urban yards predstavitelem Sochi, Sochi state University Valentin Ryzhov.

All the reports about the projects you can see in the recording broadcast on the youtube channel ARPG: https://youtu.be/3NjJwFtehYA?t=2021

State Duma Deputy Olga Pilipenko, have focused on the new level of responsibility financial education: "We're talking about state policy in the sphere of financial security. A synergistic effect in that direction we will receive from the efforts of Executive authorities, offices of the Bank of Russia and regional banks." Olga Pilipenko liked the updated concept of development of volunteerism in financial literacy, the MP expressed readiness to continue to participate in the activities of the Association.

Recording the opening of the online marathon volunteers financial education available on the youtube channel ARPG: https://youtu.be/3NjJwFtehYA

Дата новости для фото:  26.06.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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