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An online tour of the winery LLC "Belbek" (Republic of Crimea)


The vineyards of the "Belbek" winery are located in the northern part of Sevastopol and belong to the West-Coastal wine-growing region of Crimea. It is in this narrow strip of the western coast from Balaklava to Yevpatoriya that the climate is mildest and comfortable, which is mainly due to the moderating effect of the Black Sea. Here, the foothills protect from heavy cold continental air, while warm and light air masses from the south easily penetrate the low Crimean mountains, bringing warm weather. All these factors affect a favorable temperature regime with an excellent balance of day-night differences.

An online excursion for students of the “Food products from plant raw materials” training direction at the "Belbek" LLC winery located in the Crimea was conducted by a graduate of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Diana Tolokonnikova. Diana began her career with the "Perovskikh Manor" winery (Sevastopol), and currently works as the head of the production laboratory and is the official ambassador of the "Belbek" LLC winery.

The main exposition of the slopes on which grapes are grown is the northwestern one. This is one of the important factors that allows to do without additional irrigation, because the sun's rays in their peak summer days do not have critical consequences for the berries.

Despite the relative youth, today the vines give a confident crop, becoming more and more individual every year. Each berry is under close control and attention of the winemaker, gathered by hand, and most importantly - at the right time, at the time of maximum phenolic maturity of the grapes.

The process of maceration, fermentation and aging takes place with the personal control and participation of the winemaker, using modern techniques and using modern equipment from the best world manufacturers. For aging white wines are used steel tanks. For the premium segment of red wines of the highest quality, French and American oak barriques (barrels) of 225 liters are used, with a aging period of 12-18 months.

During the online tour, a characteristic of the varieties of cultivated grapes was given, as well as the technologies for preparing red, white and pink wines. To the questions posed by students and teachers of the profile department, Diana gave clear answers and advised students to devote their future profession to quality winemaking. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.07.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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