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Reporting and Election Conference of the Headquarters of Volunteer Units of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


This year, the Headquarters of the volunteer detachments of the Stavropol State Agrarian University turned 3 years old. At the online conference, the results of the activities of volunteers over the past period were presented. An important issue on the agenda was the re-election of the commander of the Headquarters of the volunteer squads.

Volunteers summed up the work for 3 years, among the important achievements:

• 425 students are involved in volunteer activities;

• winners of grant competitions were 19 volunteers;

• volunteers won victories in more than 50 competitions (28 of them are grants);

• established cooperation with more than 20 organizations;

• Projects covered more than 4 thousand people.

Since 2017, the commander was Inna Kulieva, a graduate of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization. At the conference, Olga Loskutova, a 4th year student of the faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, was elected the new headquarters commander, who is the winner of many competitions and the holder of awards at various levels.

Another important issue was the election of the leadership of the volunteer detachment “Flame” of the faculty of secondary vocational education. The head of the squad was a 3rd year student Arina Yurikova. Renata Dubrovskaya, a 2nd year student, was elected the new leader of the Squad, and Sofia Nesonova, 2nd year student, was elected as deputy.

At the end of the conference, the participants discussed work plans for the upcoming academic year, as well as identified new areas of volunteer activity, within which they will carry out their activities in the upcoming academic year. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.07.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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